BONUS Episode Got a Haute Minute? Weekend Reads: Sibylle: Zeitschrift for Mode und Kultur 1956–1995

East German Fashion History Blog
2 min readJun 20, 2020


Thanks for tuning in to this weekend’s episode reviewing the exhibition catalogue Sibylle: Zeitschrift for Mode und Kultur 1956–1995 written by Dr. phil. Andreas Kraser, Dr. phil. Ulrich Ptak, Anja Maier and Thomas Winkler. See below for images as well as terms and translations.

You can find a link to the original exhibit here:

“Schwanger” Sibylle 3/1982. Photo: Ute Mahler.
“Schwanger” Sibylle 3/1982. Photo: Ute Mahler.
“Grosse Festkleider im Konfektionsangebot” (Long Party Dresses Now Available). Sibylle 6/1981. Photo: Werner Mahler
“Grosse Festkleider im Konfektionsangebot” (Long Party Dresses Now Available). Sibylle 6/1981. Photo: Werner Mahler.
“Trikotagen” (T-Shirt/Sweater Days) Sibylle, 4/1982 Photo: Ute Mahler.
Trikotagen” (T-Shirt/Sweater Days) Sibylle, 4/1982 Photo: Ute Mahler.

Contributing Authors of Sibylle: Zeitschrift for Mode und Kultur 1956–1995

Ute Mahler — Celebrated East German photographer known for her candid portraits of daily life in the GDR. You can all her past and present work here:

Andreas Krasercurator of Photography and Cinematography at the Museum of Technology and Industry. Some of his other books & catalogs include

Eugene Atget 1857–1927, 2008

Das Auge des Arbeiters — Arbeit und fotografie in Kunst um 1930 (the eye of the worker — work/industry and photography in art 1930), 2014

Arno Fischer, 1997

Anja Maier — journalist & author of

Andreas Trogisch — Vineta 1985/1990, 2016


Dr. phil Ulrich Ptak — curator and art specialist

Thomas Winkler — jounalist


Plattenbau — “Platte” in this context, means panel / “Bau” means building this was a standarized housing complex seen throughout the German Democratic Republic and in the editorial “Trikotagen”

Source: Wikipedia
Source: MDR



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